Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

To our fans, thanks for all the memories. We really can't do this site without you. 28 years strong! Merry Christmas and enjoy your Year Ender Benders.

What's that? Oh, right. Two things. One, we say Merry Christmas, because it is Christmas. So fuck all that Happy Holiday's shit. If we knew when Hanukkah started, we would have said happy Hanukkah on that day also. If we knew when Kwanzaa got underway, we'd ignore it, because its made up. Tomorrow we'll say Happy Holidays or maybe even Happy New Year. But today? Today is Christmas' Day, so stop trying to steal it.

Two, the Year Ender Bender is the most wonderful time of the year. What you do is, you take all the cash you've been given for the chosen holiday you celebrate, combine that with any money you've saved or received as a bonus at work and you spend it at your local saloons. You spend it each and every night from tomorrow till New Years Day.

Don't forget, to always remember the Year Ender Bender, our faithful beaglers.