Monday, June 23, 2008

On a lighter note

98shit, Andre is crazy, Daddy Fat Sack's is wear'n gold glasses and Raekwon is Raekwon!

Next Level Biofuels

Since were on an anti-gas kick today, check out this short vid. from the EDF. Biofuels beyond ethanol...
The video is corney (very corporate)but informative. Hey EDF hire me to make you videos look better!

Tom Friedman is Angry

This is a must read for anyone who is concerned about gas prices and the environment. Its the most emailed article in the NY times for 2 days straight. I figure most of you probably already hate Bush, but if you needed another reason, here it is:

Oh, and if your a Democrat, its all your fault that gasoline is over $4.

Fuel Frog

Tracking your fuel economy just got a little easier. FuelFrog is a new website with a simple and easy to use layout. Input your data - miles since last fill-up, gallons, price - and the site will calculate your vehicles efficiency and display it all in a nice little line graph and in detailed form. The site helps you view trends for the amount you spend on gas, see how gas prices change in your area over time and helps you gain insight into how your car's fuel efficiency changes.

You can see the Triumph is doing pretty well, pulling me around with 45 mpg. The truck... well, lets just say 14 mpg is a good day.

The site is still in its infancy and they are making upgrades constantly. At the moment they are working on adding the ability to track multiple vehicles on a single chart and are working on adding the ability to see your efficiency versus other users.

Will this site save you gas? No. Not directly at least, but the more aware we are, the more we will consciously make changes in our driving habits. For example, i was pulling around 11 mpg in the truck driving like normal. When i took a full tank and strictly drove the speed limit, i got it up to 14 mpg. That doesn't sound like much, but thats a 22% increase. Assuming (all things being equal) i rode the Scrambler at the posted limits (i don't), and i'd be pulling 55 mpg! Damn... maybe i should slow the bike down.