Thursday, September 11, 2008


"You owe me money for billz! Add another 200 to your tab that you will never pay. I know you've been sneaking in my room, using my compy and rooting through my personal shit. Remember when you used my scissors to cut your mangy pubes or cleaned the bathroom sink with intimate wet wipes? Don't think I didn't notice. Cover up your tracks, jackass. I've left you a going away present on your bed. It's my pee. Just reciprocating what your cat did to my boxes. I also rubbed my feces on your lamp. But I'm sure you will feel right at home, since you've been sleeping in cat shit remnants for the last few months. Karma is a bitch baby and I hope it kicks you right in the hatchet wound. All of my Love-E PS- I lied, you do look fat everyday. You should consider purging!"

I LOve you I HATE you.................