Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hear Ye Hear Ye

Are you folks aware of a rival blogging service called Tumblr? It is 1000000000% better than blogger, which it turns out sucks big donkey dicks. I move that we move the Reagle beagles to tumblr.

Why? Well, we can register Reagle Beagles as our own domain (if its not taken) then we can set it up for the Tumblog (what they're called.)

Why else? You can drag a little button to your browser's toolbar and make blog posts in a jiff. You can also post from your iPhone, if you have one, or regular phone, if you have one. And if you don't, I mean really, come on. But even a regular phone ought to work. You can upload your photos straight from phone to blog.

So what? Well you can also custom make the html code so the blog can look however we want. I'm sure one of you numbnuts knows how to do that, or would like to learn.

Why else? It's much better, it's not even close. Trust me. So what do you say? Let's get rid of the worst blogging platform out there and get onto something much sicker.

See mine own tumblog here:
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im down. i think would be pretty rad. jason should be in charge since he is master of the domain.