Thursday, August 16, 2007

Denton Tall Tales #7

North Caroline High School. There is no South Caroline High. It makes more sense to me to just call it Caroline High.
Half of the school was vocational. Auto mechanics, carpentry, and hair cutting. It was funny seeing the girls carrying around those heads for them to practice on. It always seemed like the girls who were in hair cutting class were pregnant.

NCHS was located in the middle of a cow farm. During class you could hear them mooing. In the warm months the smell of manure was overbearing. We also didn’t have any air conditioning. Instead they would bring in chicken-house fans and put them at the end of the halls. They're gigantic 6ft tall fans they would use to cool down the chickens. Girls complained that the fans messed up their bangs.


Kenny Bloggins said...

how did you move from paradise to a complete shit hole???

Anonymous said...

Does Kenny think that Denton is paradise and Philly is a shit hole? Because, I totally agree. This town sounds rad.

P.S. This one lacked the emotional punch of the other Denton tales.