Thursday, September 6, 2007

Denton Tall Tales #20

Chucky was a dude that bought us beer. He was an uncle of a friends friend or something like that.

We would have to go to his house to ask, because he didn’t have a phone. He also didn’t have a license, it was taken away. Before we drove him to the store, he would have to smoke some crack, and then he would go. He was the first person I ever saw smoke crack. He also had a dog that would drink beer and a very young son who was allowed to smoke weed. We would give him like 5 bucks for his efforts, drop him off at his house and then we would go drink our double deuces of Budweiser.

Once I saw him out front of the Royal Farm store and he said hello. My friends laughed at me.


urn said...

Chucky supplied me with a lot of my beer during my younger years. He worked for my Grandfather's construction company for about 20 some years. I worked there some in the summers during my high school and college years and after a long hard day Chuck would always stop off for some Natural Light and would offer to buy me some brew.
I would pick him up in the mornings for work sometimes and he would start his day off with about 6-12 Natural Lights, get a hangover and was a prick around lunchtime, early afternoon, then after work would pick up some more beer and start all over...
Eventually he became a regular source for me to turn to when other avenues came up empty. Everytime I would stop by his house on a weekend and ask him to buy it I knew I was taking a risk. Not the normal risks of getting busted or getting too drunk and getting him in trouble... Basically I worried about getting some new bacteria or virus in his dirty house, or getting bit by a cockroach or his dog he never fed, or took outside....And everytime I left with a case of beer in my arm I would always say "Thanks Chuck" and he replied "Thanks for what?, you didn't get shit from me..."

At any rate Chucky is on the decline and last time I heard he is not far from dying, heart and lung problems from constant drinking and smoking. He has also been diagnosed with three different types of hepatitis (not making that shit up, 3)....I doubt there are two hours out of the day that he doesn't have some Natural Light in his system.

To this day I will turn down a Natural Light without hesitating or get a cold chill if I see it in the store. It probably is one of the worst beers you can drink, but Chucky drank that shit every day, and he is probably going to Die in Denton before turning 50....

Anonymous said...

you should be writing some tall tales man!!

great follow-up Urn!

im kind of sad to see the guy go but he was living a hard life mang.

Anonymous said...

Denton aint easy...