Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Denton Tall Tales #23

Perhaps the most notorious Denton kook of all time would be Chi-Chi. I don’t know her real name, I’m not sure anyone does. She went to school with my grandmother, and she said that they used to call her Kittypuss. She also said that during school they would lift up her skirt and show all of the boys her underwear.

Chi-Chi was just a plain weirdo, always wearing crazy outfits and riding her bike around town. She lived in West Denton in an old dilapidated house that was overtaken with ivy and foliage. My bus used to go past it and I remember she had a faded paper skeleton hanging on the front door, which was hanging on one hinge. Spooky!

Chi-Chi used to live with her brother. He was normal and kind of took care of her. One day he came home from work and lied down on the couch to take a nap. During his slumber he died. For the next 2 weeks he laid on the couch and Chi-Chi just thought he was asleep.

Im not sure how she found out he was dead or what happened after that. All I know is that this story has been passed down from Dentonite to Dentonite for generations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

chi-chi and weird harold should have gotten married.

chi-chi was the founder of the popular family restaurant chain. she was a rich hermit like the ladies from Grey Gardens.