Tuesday, October 16, 2007

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

So I get up at 5:30 every morning. I get to work around 7:15 and I'm usually there until about 4:00. Now today I had a meeting at 4:00. Not at my school mind you. I had to drive from my school in south west Philly to 17th and Spring Garden. The meeting was supposed to be from 4:00 - 5:30. Now no teacher wants to go to an hour and a half meeting after work especially when it's a pro bono meeting but I was doing this out of the goodness of my heart. By sitting through this hour and a half meeting I was going to get free chess boards for my school.

Well I'm sitting there at this meeting and I have to take a killer piss but I don't know where the bathroom is and the meeting is just about over so I hold it. 5:30 rolls around and heh meeting isn't over. I don't end up getting out of the meeting until 6:00 at which point I'm about to explode. I use the bathroom and walk out to my car. There on my windshield is a big fat parking ticket. My meter ran out at 5:35.

The moral . . . don't do it!

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