Friday, September 7, 2007

Denton Tall Tales #21

Bryan was one of my friends in Elementary School. He was overweight and had a horrible stuttering problem. He was made fun of a lot.

We used to play a game called battleship, Bryan was an aircraft carrier since he was the biggest, and the rest of us were battleships. The object of the game was to sink the aircraft carrier, and we would do this by running as fast as we could at him and ramming him. It was actually pretty hard to knock him down.

Brian was the richest kid I knew. He always had the latest Jordans. When ever he suspected you were mad at him he would buy you candy or some baseball cards. He would also call my mom and ask if I could spend the night without asking me first. I would get home from playing and my mom would say, “Pack your things, you’re spending the night at Bryans house.” “Awww….Mom!” Then I would go over to his house, tell him he shouldn’t have called my mom like that, and we would walk to the convenience store and he would buy me a pack of cards. The first bagel I ever ate was at Bryans house.

In sixth grade Bryan got cancer in his knee. He moved away and I only saw him one more time after that. We were in high school, he told me he was in a semi-successful Christian rock band, and he asked me if I had accepted Jesus as my personal savior. We didn’t hang out.