Sunday, January 13, 2008

Political Flame-Out

There is a grand amount of chatter about the many primary candidates floating through the various ethers--internet, t.v., print and friendly conversation--yet most of it feels the same as it ever was, in spite of the underlying promise of change.

A wave of white noise still directs the tenor of the discussion: Blah Blah Blah, truly an exciting time. Blah Blah Blah record turnout. Blah Blah Blah Blah new and exciting candidates.

From my strictly anecdotal and therefore insular and therefore useless observations people seem ready to dive head first into the candidates and explore their positions, though it seems to come down to Hillary Vs. Barack. And neither candidate particularly excites me.

The Republicans are a funny lot and I have no idea what to think of any of them. McCain has flipped rather hard from Hawkish Bushie back to the firebrand of 2000 that Americans fell in love with irrespective of their political affiliation, while attacking Romney, who is a lunatic,for doing the same thing. Huckabee is frightening and Guiliani is a bully. Fred Thompson doesn't seem like he really wants to be president.

My question is why am I not excited about any of these candidates, if we are in a time of great change and we are supposed to have new dynamic choices? What has Barack done to deserve my support? Someone show me the grand change he's managed to institute somewhere, not just the stupendous oratorical flourishes. And then when you're done doing that please show me that Clinton is not a political conniver. Prove to me I can trust her and that I agree with her policies.

How is it that I'm indifferent or agitated by all of these people? Please tell me.


Anonymous said...

im frustrated with this no change rhetoric myself. im leaning towards obama, maybe because he is so handsome. i just dont really like clinton, and i think its going to be business as usual if she is in the white house. she was kind of charming on meet the press yesteray. Fred thompson should stick to acting. Id vote for gore if he ran, then we would at least get some environmental legislature passed. McCain can eat a dick, i hate that fella. but until these candidates start talking about the real issues, mainly the legalization of marijuana, then im probably going to be real indifferent to this whole mess.

Anonymous said...

Is legalization of marijuana, the real issue?

Anonymous said...

its called sarcasm.