Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Uncle Owen

Holy Fucking Shit! Childhood snacks and Manhood snacks just hi-fived!

The Franklin Institute has a Star Wars exhibit! You can take a ride in the millenium falcon! The Original Landspeeder from episode IV!!! The original Yoda puppet from the first trilogy!!! and the Darth Vader mask from episode III!!!! Ahhhh!!!

Things you should know:
Photography, sketching, and strollers are permitted inside the exhibit.

Masks and weapons (including prop blasters or lightsabers) are not permitted inside the exhibit.


I have off work tomorrow, so if anybody wants to go, yell at me.

1 comment:

Velocity_B said...

"Childhood snacks and Manhood snacks just hi-fived!"
This made me laugh out loud...