Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Small World

Every day or at least every weekday I go to The Green Line to buy a cup of coffee. Nine times out of ten the same guy is there to sell me my cup of coffee. Today I happen to be wearing my sister's Lebanon Valley College lanyard. And today like everyday that same guy (I think his name is Dave) is there to sell me my cup of coffee. But today he notices my LVC lanyard and asks if I grew up near the Lebanon Valley. I did. I tell him where I grew and it turns out he grew up in East Petersburg. The only thing I know about East Petersburg, which was only about a 30 minute drive from my parents' house, is that is where More Skates used to be. I tell Dave (let's call him Dave, it'll make this story easier to tell) this and he replies that he used to hang out there all the time. He inquires about where I went to high school. Conestoga Valley. Then he asked if I know Derrick Firestone. Yeah I know Derrick. I met Derrick when I was in 9th grade. We were friends until I went to college and he stopped skating. Small world huh?

That story reminds me of another small world story. Most of you have probably heard about my spaghetti incident story. The one involving poop and a microwave. Well that kid, Chuck, was my best friend until that happened. After the incident he wouldn't talk to me for months. But, one time after that when we were hanging out he took me to a "rave" in Lancaster city. I won't get into it but the last place the of the college junior version of me would be expected to end up in a rave in Lancaster. But there I was. So long story short who should I see but Derrick Firestone. I hadn't seen him in years. And the weirdest part of this story is he was wearing a shirt I had given him when I was in tenth grade. He said when he put it on that night he thought that maybe he'd run into me. Weird.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know Derrick Firestone too! Seriously.