Wednesday, December 10, 2008

One More. A Semen Cookbook

Christmas time is upon us and if some of you are lucky something else is upon you. Instead of wiping it off your chin put it in your next broth! Again from Gawker, a cookbook entirely comprised of recipes with semen as an ingredient.

Holy Shit, Princess Leia

This is Carrie Fisher. Things have gone off the rails a bit. Yes, I'm reading Gawker right now. Thanks for asking.

Neckface's Face

You can now go back about your day, not caring about this.

My next car

Sould the Battleship Maxima last long enough, the Ford Fiesta will be my next car. It has a peppy engine (120 hp which is sufficient on marble), cup holders that'll fit a smoke gernade, is capable of fording thigh high sea water, the boot fits a zeebra head and the back seat is large enough to carry the ubiquitous 2.5 children.