Friday, January 2, 2009


Barry asked, and i'm going to tell. I get myself some free time to search the interwebs on a regular basis at the office. I have decided to take it upon myself to post a new blog each week focusing on a blog that i frequent in my stumblings through the internet. So get excited for a random blog from me every Friday. I even made a note in my calendar so i don't forget. First up:

Neatorama is, far and away, one of the greatest jewels in the crown of internet entertainment. What is neatorama? Simply, a collection of "neat" stuff amassed, for your convience, in one place. Neat is a rather broad word and what is neat will vary from person to person but Neatorama does a great job of spanning the neat-spectrum. The evolution of corporate logos, two headed animals, the Large Hadron Collider, cat flushing a toilet; if it is neat, it is or will eventually be on neatorama.

Go ahead, visit. Don't be surprised if it is well after 5pm before you even notice how much time you just wasted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Al, put the blog of the week in the what we've been reading list.