The weather is turning. Winter is losing its icy grasp as the days run longer and the sun shines brighter. Spring has finally sprung. Sadly, in this region, spring is fleeting; quickly giving way to the suffocating heat and humidity of the summer. But let’s enjoy the spring weather while we have it. The past few weekends have greeted my ears with the rumble of cruisers, the scream of sporsters and the general aural pleasures that come from the tail end of motorcycles. It’s time to ride.

Sunday Morning Rides holds a collection of rider created routes that offer scenic and/or adventurous motorcycle rides. The best feature is that you can download the routes to your GPS or handheld to follow along (with the 3.0 software release coming out for the iPhone, turn by turn will be an available option). The routes are generally anywhere from 20 to 150 miles, great for day trips. Grab some breakfast, head off on your route, have little lunch, find your way home and to the nearest watering hole to end off the day (don't ride home after the bar). The maps provided will list route attractions as well including scenic, repair, fuel, and rest stops. Elevation maps are also included. If you are feeling adventurous, there is also a collection of long distance rides of 1000 to 30000 miles. Updates, news and forums are all thrown in as well for good measure.
The site is growing by the day and has over 1000 rides available. Our neck of the woods appears to be underserved. I think it’s time we correct that. Aodh, get your bike painted and put back together; R. Sean, stop messing with those pedal powered bikes; Balz... do you even have a bike that runs? The rest of you, go buy a damn motorcycle! Insurance is cheap, fuel economy is high, cost of entry is inexpensive, and thrills are unmatched. Let's get this gang started.
i am ready to roll just need to tighten up my front brake. can i do this or do i need to take it to a shop?
its as easy as tightening it up on a bicycle.
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