Sunday, October 25, 2009

Censored Snakes on a Plane Review

So I had FX on today as i painted the basement and they were playing "Snake On A Plane" For those of you that have yet to "get familiar" with this film possibly one of the best movies, excuse me FILMS, to come out in the past 10 years. What could possible make this movie any better you may ask? The plot is enthralling and the action is top notch. Well the fine folks over at Fox found a way to make this move better by changing one critical line. In the original Sammy Jakson displays his frustration about being stuck on a snake riddled plane very eloquently by stating "I'm sick of all the mother fucking snakes on this mother fucking plane". Vulgarities aside, this in it's self is a literary work of genius! Now the fine bible thumping folks over at Fox's sister network FX decided to improve upon this line and the result is....

"I'm sick of all these monkey-fighting snakes on this Monday to Friday plane"....

Needless to say I was speechless...


Martin Scorcese said...

i have yet to see that monstrosity.

Kenny Bloggins said...

I would say watch the edited version! It really adds yet another level of hilarity to the film