Tuesday, October 30, 2007


This weekend is the great PUMPKIN CHUNKIN' event. Teams build machines to see who can launch the pumpkins the farthest. Some are catapults, others are hi-tech canons built by scientists. Either way its something I want to be a part of!
Look at these photos and tell me that this doesnt look like the greatest thing ever.


Anonymous said...

I went to this and it was boring. Imagine trying to see a tiny dot soaring in the sky over and over. We camped down there and that was great, but the actual event not that great. Long and boring.

Kenny Bloggins said...

You obviously were not at the right location. The air cannons suck. You got to be out in the cut with all of the drunk rednecks shooting trebuchets. Those things are awesome and I love it when the misfire and launch a pumpkin though a car windshield in the parking lot.

And Snacks it's PUNKIN chunkin down there don't get it twisted.

Anonymous said...

mr. yaz just rained all over my parade.
i didnt even know you could drink at this event and i was still excited.
if i see one pumpkin hit a car then it was all worth it.