Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Yesterday I went to the Brazilian Consulates office in NY. It was a nightmare.
I had to renew my brasilian passport but that didnt happen.
Basically they told me that I had two options. One, I could renounce my Brazilian citizenship and get a visa. Or two, I could serve two years in the military.

The conversation we had was mind-numbing:

me: Im a dual citizen. Here is my passport and brazilian birth certificate.
them: Where are your military documents?
me: I never served.
them: Well, you have to serve.
me: Ive always lived here.
them: That doesnt matter. Its your duty as a brasilian to serve.
me: so, what are you saying?
them: If you havent served in the military, you arent officially a brasilian citizen so we can't give you a passport.
me: alright, i'll just take one of those visas then.
them: oh no, we cant give you one of those. you are a brasilian citizen.
(repeat about 10 times)

The shit was retarded and I have the pleasure of pleading my case again in about a week.

Here is a picture of my Dad on the beach that I would go to everyday, if only I could get a damn passport!

1 comment:

urn said...

Tell them
to: "shupa mi pica cada de precito"

Good luck man, I can only imagine the bullshit you would go through getting a US passport if they knew about the dual citizenship.maybe you neeed a Brasilan Lawyer if it gets to that.