Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Babs received her first question!

Dear Babs,

Is it considered foreplay if I take my underwear off, instead of using the dickhole?
No Fly Zone

Dear No Fly Zone:

I had to consult Merriam Webster on this one. They say that foreplay is defined as "erotic stimulation preceding sexual intercourse." But what if you, No Fly, are a hermaphrodite, and so you don't even need a dickhole to stimulate yourself? But it appears that we're talking about sex with another human being, right?

This question is particularly difficult for me, because DelVohn and I used to always only use the dickhole to stimulate me before humping, usually with the soft seams of his cotton BVD's tickling my anus. But one time when DelVohn was locked up I went to see him on a conjugal visit and the spiteful prison guards had given him little boys underwear, with a dickhole 6 sizes too small (you know how those chocolate men are). So he was forced to take them off and it took me a whole 30 minutes to get in the mood, and I could tell it was 30 minutes cause the guard outside was watching Quantum Leap and I didnt get wet until Scott Bakula jumped into his next body. DelVohn grunted "shit ain't right", which made me think he also didn't enjoy it, but it could have also been because of the hot turd sitting in the metal toilet next to our dirty cot.

In conclusion, I think taking your underwear off instead of using the dickhole could be considered foreplay if the air smells like rotten crap and you want a bored starfish lover. But if you want an erotically stimulating experience, stick with the dickhole.

Forever Yours,

Send your questions here:
Subject line: Full Blouse
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They will be answered in the order received.

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