Thursday, November 8, 2007


I'm in the process of trying to find either a good technology story or a business analysis story and I can't seem to do either. If anyone has ideas, I'd be stoked.

But while I was doing some heavy thinking, I went to the McSweeneys website, which I hadn't visited in a while. About two years ago, when I first saw this site, I was in love with it. I was reading the lists today and thought there were some good uns. This is the one I will share with you. You can explore their other offerings at your leisure, if you so choose.

Iraq-War Clichés
or New Euphemisms
for Taking a Crap?


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Giving the surge time to work

Pursuing an exit strategy

Setting a timetable for withdrawal

To cut and run

Spreading democracy


Anonymous said...

does it count as a tech story that verizon FiOS is starting fires at people's houses?

yassmafuckintass said...

If the actual fiber optic cable had done the damage, not some inept gimp, then yeah. So no.