Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ate Mas Tarde Brasil!

So.....Im not going back to the Motherland for christmas. Not only is my Brazilian citizenship in question, but now I also have an invalid American passport. Im beyond bummed. Instead of beach, booze, and butts, its going to me and Bird eating spaggetti O's and watching wheel of fortune while we feel sorry for ourselves. Seasons Greetings. I guess I have the Year Ender Bender to look forward to. If anybody wants to start a little early, get at me.
Otherwise, Im going to be sitting at home wearing sweatpants, dreaming about what could have been...........


Anonymous said...

i challenge you to a staff duel! how does next weekend sound (21st or 22nd)?

Velocity_B said...

Come out to California you retard!
Expect harrasing phone calls from both Pubes and myself!

the pubes said...

Snacks, Velocity B and I think it's about time you get out here for some warm weather. Go to my blog and see the kind of people we're hanging with.