Monday, December 10, 2007


A young man from a small village wins a contest to spend an evening with his favorite erotic film actress. He must travel across Argentina to Buenos Aires, and after his quest is completed, he will truly be a man.
This is kind of like the Wizard of Oz, except with porn stars. Obviously, I was kind of into it.

This was on TV last weekend. What a wonderful surprise. It was such a nice change of pace from the Whoopi Goldberg fare they usually show.
I really love this movie. Robert DeNiro is legendary. The scene where he takes his date to the XXX movie is so well acted. I don't know weather I should feel sorry for him, or think he is the biggest creep in the world. Harvey Keitel is great. "Buddy, you don't look hip." Cybil Sheppard is hot stuff. The music is fantastic. New York looks like the scariest place ever. I don't have one thing negative to say about this film.
If you haven't seen this then you are doing yourself a disservice, and I'm not sure we can be friends.

Another DeNiro/Scorcese film set in New York. Jerry Lewis plays a late night TV show host. DeNiro plays a crazy comic looking for his big break, and he'll stop at nothing to get it. He gets to wear these awesome suits, and he sports a pretty dope stache. If you liked Taxi Driver then you will probably like this. It’s worth it just to see DeNiro do stand-up.
But lets stop beating around the bush. The real reason to watch this is because it stars the unbelievably sexy Saundra Bernhardt. I know I said I'd rather have sex with Paula Poundstone, but I retract that statement.

Despite the endless amount of hype surrounding this video, it still managed to impress. These guys are superstars. Every part is real good. I even liked Jesus Fernandez's part, and I don’t think I ever liked anything he did before. Koston, Mariano, Carroll, Foster, Biebel, need I say more.
The stand out parts for me were Lucas Puig's. I think he has a great style and incredible looking tre flips.
I liked Alex Olson’s part a lot too. He frontside 360’d a bench off flat. And he skated to King Diamond.
And obviously Marc Johnson. This is the part of his career. Truly epic. 3 songs. Gaps, mannies, tech stuff, handrails, everything is covered. He does some stuff that I didn’t even think was physically possible. Amazing.
The only thing I didn’t like about this movie were some of the super slow-mo sentimental stuff. Guy's part had a bunch of it and I think his part was kind of ruined because of the terrible music. I guess all Ty Evans videos are like that. I just think it gets old real quick, and I like my skate videos a little more raw and less polished.
Over all, my mind was truly blown. Its amazing how much skateboarding continues to progress.

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