Monday, January 14, 2008

Andy Rooney Re-Cap; 1/13/08

Sorry I took last week off. I got caught up, didn't get a chance to distill A-Roon's wisdom into a palatable blog post. He didn't really bring the heat anyway. He simply said that none of the presidential candidates have presidential names.

However, this week, Mr. Rooney cooked up a wonderfully hot potato. Perhaps inspired by Rhianna's smash summer jam, Andy spent two minutes discussing umbrellas.

He began the segment rattling off a list of important inventions--combustible engine, light bulb, wheel. Rooney then stated that there are many smaller inventions of equal significance in our lives that receive less attention. For instance, he loves elastic bands. I assume he has them sewn into the waist band of all his pants so his geriatric hands don't have to quiver and struggle with belts and zippers. The other minor invention he loves? Umbrellas. To his consternation, we know who invented the light bulb, but we have no idea who invented umbrellas. And aren't umbrellas just about equally important?

Great point.

We don't know who invented the umbrella. Perhaps that is because it was invented 4,000 years ago to protect people from the sun, or so says They claim the Chinese were the first to water proof them. Eventually they gained popularity in the stormy climates of Northern Europe and the rest is a wonderfully dry history.

While listening to Rooney's thoughts about umbrellas, I feel as though I'm gaining insight into the mind of an idle house cat peering out the window as human life unfurls. His commentary is droll and pointless as per usual. I suppose it is his calling card.

Though he makes concessions about their faults-they can't protect two people, they aren't so good in the wind, they shouldn't be used to make a statement-Rooney rejoices in their ability to keep people dry.

And that is about all he has to say.

The Video: Andy Rooney Segment for 1/13/08

What is this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he also only likes black umbrellas, no burberry check prints for that fella.

i was more into the tuna story.