Thursday, January 17, 2008

Britney--Already Dead In The AP's Mind

I've never found Britney Spears attractive. For a while it made me think I was gay. If you're the only dude that doesn't find a gal attractive, what other option is there? Eventually she filled out and others started agreeing with me--the girl looks like a fullback.

Anyway, she's been acting a little crazy lately and the AP has taken notice. NY Mag's gossip blog reports that the AP, "has written a premature obituary for Britney, in the same way that they do for 70-year-old politicians and public figures who have announced they have cancer. “I think one would agree that Britney seems at risk right now,” AP entertainment editor Jesse Washington told the magazine. “Of course, we would never wish any type of misfortune on anybody and hope that we would never have to use it until 50 years from now … but if something were to happen, we would have to be prepared."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is fucking amazing! thats a reason to step back and evaluate your life choices.