Thursday, January 17, 2008

My New Favorite TV Show.....

....isnt even on TV.

I dont know if youve heard, but i'm on the internet these days. yeah, thats right. Ive been waiting for the day when i would be able to watch all of the web videos i wanted without the distraction of my boss over my shoulder. well that day has come my friends, and i have discovered the greatest tv show thine eyes have peepethed.
Hopefully you already know about this, because i feel like its kind of a big deal. The show is called EPICLY LATERD.
Its pretty much a run down of all your favorite skateboarders and moments from the 90's. Needless to say I was in reminicing heaven. If you skated at all during that era, you really should watch it, its amazing. There is some John Cardiel and Wade Speyer footage that absolutely blew my mind. Great stuff.

1 comment:

Andrew P. Warcraft said...

Pretty dope. I just watched the Jerry Hsu clips. Which by the way featured his mom, Su Hsu.