Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Brand new Mazdas destroyed

And by brand new, I mean less than 10 miles on the odometer and not a single one had yet seen a showroom floor. The cars were being brought state-side on a frieght ship. Near the California coast the ship began to list at a 60 degree angle for an entire week before it could be righted. On that ship were 4703 Mazdas and 100 Isuzus.

Becuase no one knew what kind of damage or stress a car would sustain from that week long abuse, Mazda made the decision to destroy all vehicles on the vessel. Offers were made for the vehicles, everything from shop teaching aids and vehicle extraction training to movie stunt cars and racing. Mazda's fear was that some of these cars would make their way into the buying market, resulting in lawsuits for faulty equipment the ruining Mazda's reputation as well as embrioling Mazda in endless lawsuits.

I'm a car junkie and Mazda enthusiast. It breaks my heart to see all these Mazdas be destroyed; the Isuzus... well they would probably be in the scrap yard sooner rather than later anyway.

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