Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Hello Brethren,

It is my honor and duty to remind you that the 3rd Annual Bmore Beer Beef & Blunts BBQ (thats 6 B's) is fast approaching. June 21st to be exact.

This year I want to have the most rip-roaring bbq of all time. Quite frankly, last years turnout was a lil' weak (Jon, im looking at you) but lets not let that happen again. so to insure a good turnout, i have decided to make some t-shirts commemorating the event. they will be super limited, exclusive, hand numbered and signed and you will be one of only ten people to own it. thats right, there will only be ten and once they are gone, they are gone FOREVER!!! "well, how do i get my hands on one of these tees" is a question i hear frequently, my reply is usually, "GO TO THE BBBBBBQ!!!!"

OK, so June 21st, i know youre going to be there, so im not going to bang you over the head any longer.

So, you may have a few questions about this BBBBBBQ, and i will attempt to answer them with this helpful Bx6Q FAQ.

What is the purpose of the BBBBBBQ?

The bbbbbbq is a way for friends from baltimores past and present to get together and do what baltimorians do best, get hammered and crack on each other.

What should i bring to this event?

-bring some beef, beer, and blunts fool! didnt you even read the fucking title. i think someone should step their game up though and buy some crabs or make a covered dish.
Also i would love to see some creative forms of recreation brought. Have a CRAZY hat that you have just been dying to wear? bring that fucker! Got a slippin slide collecting dust in your garage? Why the fuck not! Actually jon doesnt have a yard so the slipping slide would not work, but you get the point.

Am I allowed to get wasted?

Hell yeah! thats the point. you may also get blitzed, zooted, rampaged, blottoed, and retarded.

Will there be girls at this party?

I doubt it. but i think i am bringing one, and possibly my dog, but i guess technically she is a bitch. i would like to see a much better turnout, i dont mind strangers as long as they have baltimore in their minds and hearts. or they have at least seen one epsiode of 'the wire' or 'Roc'.

Where is this party located?

In the heart of scenic downtown Fells Point, located conveniently off an expressway of some sort.

Will there be an afterparty?

What the fuck kind of question is that?!! no seriously, a-hole. of course there will be an after party! it is going to be at a secret location that will be announced around 10pm on June 21st. Depending on the various states of drunkeness that we will undoubtably be in, i am proposing the following options: Club Charles, The Ottobar, One of the hundreds of bars conveniently located outside of Jon's front door, Hammerjacks, Bob & Barbara's, or Jon's couch.

I hope to see all of you there!! LETS DO THIS!!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! this sounds like the greatest party ever. I will definitely be there, and im going to be wearing my crazy hat that i got at Six Flags last year. Snacks, you are a genius and you are also very handsome.

nails said...

ima need a shirt and im not jocking. i rock a large.

Anonymous said...

I'll be there but I'll be rockin some new tees from Bubbles Depot.