Friday, October 17, 2008


Stars and Stripes (Support Our Troops)

Bible believing, God fearing Christians add up to be the largest religion in the United States. "God" played a huge part in the formation of this country. "In God We Trust" is found on our money.
Religion was brought up a lot in our other blogs and this subject seemed like it needed to be next.
What do you guys think? Is there a God? If there is, why would he let all this evil and hopelessness fill our world? Does he have control over his creation, if he even created it?Should God play a role in our country? I really don't care where you want to take this conversation, just give us some input.

We want to hear from you guys on this subject. We know pro-choice and pro-life is a tough decision and a huge issue in our society, but lets hear what you got.
Tell us what you believe is right and why you think that?

The question is pretty simple. We live in the Bay Area and gay marriage is legal right now. We are pretty close with a kid named Taylor who is openly homosexual and loves the fact that gay marriage is legal and it is moving our country in a good direction.
Is homosexuality right and should gay marriage be legal?

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