Monday, March 31, 2008

Sausage Surgery

"Hello Doctors, today we are going to be removing the appendix of this very beautiful young woman, any comments?"
"Well, Doctor, I say we go in through the vagina."
"I second that"

Appendix Removed Through Vagina: U.S. First

Brannon John--Subway Vandal

I remember a time when Brannon was the butt of all jokes. His thick skin and unfortunate choice of friends--Ben, Gary--made him an easy target. That seems to have passed. He's just the Little Guy now. A wizened business executive that flosses with hundred dollar bills.

However, when he was just a grease monkey at Switch, he was once perusing a Girls of UD calender. He was unimpressed. He said of one young lady, "She's" A classic moment in the collective lives of every loser in Delaware. Well, it appears that Brannon is back at it, striking the "I Hate Sarah Marshall" posters in New York's subway, writing "Sarah Marshall is sucks!"

Luckily Brannon won't know I've outed him. He told me at his Christmas party, "I don't even know how to look at [the blog]."

Air Bear

Joshua Allen Harris makes animals out of garbage bags and then ties them to NY City subway grates, so that when the train passes the bags inflate. THis one is of a bear. Its pretty cool looking.

The Roots!

Yes please I need this right now...
Both directed by Rick Cordero...
Quest Love cracks me up in this...

This cut is my favorite...