Monday, May 25, 2009

Saturday Music Line-up
11am: Pairdown
12pm: The Josh Olmstead Band
1pm: The Documents (Black Corey)
2pm: Gildon Works
3pm: Padre Pio (Black Corey, R. Sean, Avi)
4pm: Toy Soldiers
5pm: Folklore

Sunday Music Line-up:
12pm: Perkasie
1pm: Photon Band
2pm: Like A Fox
3pm: North Lawrence Midnight Singers
4pm: The Mural & The Mint
5pm: Oh!Pears
(Black Corey, R. Sean, Avi + 10)


This is my name said...

what is up with no one putting a heading to their posts?

Me said...

You mean why didn't I put a heading?