Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sorry Snacks

but Melissa will find this hilarious.

"Did i leave me t-shirts in your car satruday?"

"i knew i was going to lose them."

"hey can you ask melissa? i think she knows, i kind of remember laughing about it. were we in E's car ever?"

"m going to be disappointed in myself if i dont get them."

(All of these quotes were taken from an E-mail conversation Snacks and I had.)


Incognito Burrito said...

i knew i was going to lose them...

youalsopeed yourpantsalittlebitinthepark said...

Snacks is a hot mess! Who gets so drunk in the middle of the day they leave their bag of kmart tees at the bar? We're all disappointed in you.

Bushwick Bill said...

i am dissapointed in myself. but i didnt leave them at the bar. someone said they saw me take them out of E's trunk. i think my mind is playing tricks on me, and its not even close to halloween.