Wednesday, August 22, 2007

For Jay: Nobody Else Look!

These are from a road trip we took in 2005 to Plevna, Ontario, Canada.

We left at 3:00am after a night at the Regal Beagle.

The place was pretty rural.

We took the boat to the store everyday. Just like on Dawson's Creek!

This was our cabin. It had a bathroom.

But, Derek didn't know that.

There you go Jay, now can we all look at the blog again?


Anonymous said...

how did derek not notice a bathroom in such a small cabin?

Unknown said...

When we got there Alex, I think it was Alex, went in and immediately went to the bathroom. Then here comes Derek taking the "tour". He tries to open the door on the back porch and it's locked. He never tries the door again. And, we made sure never to go in while he was looking or to flush while he was on the porch. After about 4 days he caught Alex coming out of the bathroom. Derek was not happy.