Sunday, November 4, 2007


The New York City marathon happened today. The people ran right past my apartment, check it out:
Who knew you could get excited about a marathon? I guess if you put anything in front of my house and let me watch it from my kitchen, I'll be enthralled.

It doesn't hurt that there was a party atmosphere in street. It does hurt that there was a craptacular band playing beneath my apartment. They were the worst band you could ever imagine being forced to listen to at your college bar. When I walked past them I saw they had Rockstar energy drink stickers on their guitar case. Bleech, what made it worse was the neat-o drum group right around the corner. I couldn't hear them because of the stupid band.

My roommate went and played with the drum group, can you figure out which one he is?

1 comment:

Snaxxx said...

the guy in the red sweatshirt?