Sunday, November 4, 2007

Where Aziz Lives

As you might recall, long time readers, there is a man that lives in my stairwell. He's not there all the time but he is there some of the time. His name is Aziz and this is is set up:


Message Board:


This is all right before you get to the roof a stair set just above my place. If you go out to the roof, there is this up there (so maybe the message board worked?):

An Overview:

Not bad, for New York and no rent.


Anonymous said...

$15 for 4 hours doesnt seem like a good deal...

Anonymous said...

It's really easy work.

Snaxxx said...

does he sleep with his head on the bottom step and his feet in the air, or vice versa?

Kenny Bloggins said...

I want to see a picture of this guy "sleeping". My theory is crack heads are like sharks, if they stop moving they die. that's just a spot where he can recharge and meet sexually active women for rooftop sessions...